Friday, September 4, 2020

Explain the different roles played by (i) the central bank, (ii) Essay

Clarify the various jobs played by (I) the national bank, (ii) storehouse organizations, and (iii) investors in the determina - Essay Example For instance, there is a solid verification that when cash increments quickly in an economy, there builds up an immediate connection between cash flexibly and long haul value expansion. Then again, a decline in the degree of cash flexibly in a nation prompts a diminishing in financial action, fixed spending levels and a fall in buyer request. The amount hypothesis of cash expresses that cash flexibly has a relationship that is straightforwardly corresponding in nature to the value level (Friedman, 1956). Various foundations have diverse however connected tasks to carry out in the assurance of cash gracefully in a nation and the worldwide economy. Instances of such establishments are the national bank and store organizations. Contributors additionally have a section to play in this. Jobs of the national bank Every nation has a national bank that screens and decides cash gracefully in the country’s economy. In the US, the cash gracefully is dictated by the US Federal Reserve, th e focal financial arrangement of the US. Its job is to encourage financial development in the US by controlling the activities of private banks and settling the cash flexibly. The Federal Reserve, otherwise called Fed, utilizes the broad fiscal strategy as a guide in extending the US cash flexibly (Shin, 2009). Utilizing the extensive fiscal arrangement, the Federal Reserve channels more saves to the financial framework to permit private banks greater liquidity and to ensure that they have the necessary capacity to give credits. In the UK, assurance of cash gracefully is the capacity of the Bank of England while that of the districts under the EU is the European Central Bank (ECB) (Burda and Wyplosz, 1997). So as to settle an economy in a nation, the national bank has the ability to decide the degree of cash stock through the activity of various fiscal approaches. These strategies incorporate save prerequisites, open market tasks and markdown rates. The most predominant among the th ree money related arrangements is the open market activities strategy. As indicated by Howells and Bain (2009), an open market activity is a circumstance wherein the national bank buys or exchanges government protections for money with an end goal to contract or extend the all out cash flexibly. Cash flexibly in the nation will increment if the national bank buys government protections however it will contract if the national bank sells government protections. The duty of the national bank comparable to fragmentary save banking is to hold a specific division everything being equal. This can be in account with the national bank or in real money. So as to adjust cash gracefully, the national bank changes the level of all out stores that should be held by business banks. Along these lines, the national bank can build the fiscal base in a nation by diminishing the hold prerequisites or lessen the money related base by expanding the save necessities (Mishkin, 1998). The national banks ad ditionally decide cash flexibly in a nation by controlling rebate rates. This is conceivable on the grounds that the national bank in each nation supplies business manages an account with the cash they require to fulfill purchaser need. In this way, the national bank can satisfy and control customer need for cash by controlling the national loan costs. For instance, the buyer interest for cash will increment significantly if the financing costs decline while a diminishing in customer interest for cash will emerge if the loan fees increment. Jobs of vault organizations By definition, storehouse

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Personal Narrative- The Move that Transformed my Life Essay -- Persona

Individual Narrative-The Move that Transformed my Life Subsequent to assessing my life, I have chosen my life pivotal turning point was the point at which my family and I moved to Texas from Oklahoma. I consider this move my extraordinary second since it changed such huge numbers of things throughout my life. This move set up for a completely new life for me. Moving six hours from the main home I knew surely called for some changes. Until I was thirteen years of age, I had lived in a similar region, generally Healdton, Oklahoma. After my folks separated, my mom, sister, and I left my dad and moved to Healdton. Following two or three years, both of my folks remarried. Before long clashes emerged between all sides. After a few rough encounters and dangers on our lives, we chose the best activity was to pac...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

misconduct in medicine essays

unfortunate behavior in medication articles 1. Meaning of the morals issue: What are the moral ramifications of sexual or sentimental connections among doctors and patients and in what manner should sexual offense be forestalled and specialists restrained? 2. Give noteworthy realities/vulnerabilities that are applicable to the inquiry: Sexual contact among doctor and patient can happen from various perspectives. Doctors may utilize the patients condition of being as an approach to participate in sexual movement or they may propose or speak to sexual contact to a patient as a major aspect of care or treatment for the patient. At the point when an individual looks for clinical consideration, commonly the person is genuinely and sincerely powerless against the specialist. In this way, it must be noticed that few states indicate that assent of the patient can't be utilized as a guard to charges of sexual offense. Sexual contact with patients appears to happen most when there is extraordinary dissimilarity between the societal position and enthusiastic defenselessness among doctor and patient. This is the reason most announced instances of sexual unfortunate behavior include patients who are more youthful and female, and specialists who are more seasoned and male. The patients in these cases believe that the specialist is acting to the greatest advantage of them and in any event, when sexual wrongdoing happens, they are reluctant to report the specialists or even to attempt to stop the specialists themselves. The casualties at that point experience doubt of their own judgment, experience coerce, and become distrustful of doctors. Most clinical preparing projects and training don't cover the issue of sexual unfortunate behavior and how to manage sexual or sentimental appreciation for patients. No doubt it would be gainful to specialists to get a type of training concerning managing the allurements and looking for proper assistance. Likewise, since ordinarily it is really the patient that is at first pulled in to the specialist, it would be useful for the specialists to learn approaches to manage that so ... <!

Free Will Essays - Philosophy, Metaphysics, Free Will, Determinism

Through and through freedom Do I have Free Will? Subsequent to considering the proof for the three perspectives I have reasoned that delicate determinism is best bolstered. I will be contending for delicate determinism with proof introduced in the class readings. I will begin with the proof of oblivious inspiration. The oblivious powers us to carry on things we believe are legitimate yet can really be harmful. With the three elements of our oblivious express, the ID, super-personality and the oblivious self image, we will in general be in a back-and-forth with our brain over who has control. With the brain being in the oblivious state we will in general make bargains in our activities. With the oblivious working, we have the opportunity of through and through freedom. When the ID is in real life it places its requests in the table and needs fulfillment while the super-inner self denies the desire. We need our oblivious to intervene between the two powers in any case our psyche would be in a consistent fight. Another contention for the point would be of good duty. As per Hospers we have none. We are adapted from birth with characteristics of our character, social standing and perspectives. A great many people are so determined to their ways that unknowingly they shut out discerning idea and follow up on what they have been customized to do. In the oblivious state we are only observers to our anxiety which is consistently in charge and has just been unknowingly decided. On the off chance that a large portion of our demonstrations are constrained, at that point we have no methods for genuine opportunity. Presently let us see free acts versus unfree acts. To begin with, we ought to have a meaning of both: free acts are caused at that point by interior states while unfree acts happen due to outside powers. A genuine Libertarian accepts that there is no reason for anything, that everything occurs as oneself chooses while a Determinist thinks everything occurs because of some outside power. The delicate determinist has the correct thought, that all demonstrations are required by past causes. There are some free demonstrations and there are some unfree demonstrations. We need both of these powers to control us through life. In the event that we experience existence without agonizing over a solitary thing, at that point I accept that this life has been squandered, that we have recently been experiencing some routine just to get by and afterward proceed onward to something better which has been resolved for us by one way or another. We need free acts tossed in with the general mish-mash so we have some explanation behind living. At the present time I am carrying on of through and through freedom as it were, I am composing this paper. You may state it is an unfree demonstration since it is a task however I can decide not to do it. My free demonstration is that I need to learn more by investigating this subject so I can put forth a concentrated effort to better things. In delicate determinism we additionally need some unfree demonstrations. Only this previous end of the week after the blizzard I was maneuvering into the parking garage and maneuvered into the space, knowing very well that I covered my vehicle in 8 crawls of new day off. This occasion was brought about by the immense measure of snow we got and that the parcel wasn't furrowed. Since it was not my decision to stall out in the day off, is a case of an unfee demonstration. While most things are resolved for us it is that little free specialist that props us up. The proof for Libertarianism is less influential than Determinism and Soft Determinism. As a matter of first importance the contention for the inward point of view is extremely unpersuasive. This is attempting to show that determinism is bogus, which is totally inconceivable. The contention is that you can't take a gander at things from an external viewpoint, that a determinist has a go at taking a gander at it as through an alternate, or wrong, perspective and when they find that it isn't there then they their convictions don't exist any longer. Additionally, that ethical opportunity is an inward demonstration is difficult to appreciate. It is said that the demonstration must be one of which the individual judged can be viewed as the sole creator. He can be considered ethically answerable for

Friday, August 21, 2020

Of mice and men †What u think happened in Weed Essay

It was getting dull; the hot muggy breezes blew from the black sky over the heads of depleted farm laborers in the tranquil town of Weed. George, alongside the remainder of his group headed towards the lodge as Lennie, the cordial monster followed behind. Today had been a taxing day; each specialist had been on the field for more than twelve hours. Staying at work past 40 hours was the best way to make an additional couple of dollars which was essential to a considerable lot of the men. As they showed up to the lodge, individually the men washed and arranged for the following day. The clock hit nine and the lodge went quiet, the hints of George wheezing reverberated as the others rested in harmony. The constrained long stretches of rest ticked by and were soon finished. The following morning showed up as the cautions went off, the hints of tired men yawning zoomed from bed to bed as the men got up for a hard day of work. By and by individually they arranged for a wash and set of for the fields. As common Lennie was last to wash thus by and by George needed to hold up as George and Lennie were as one power. George stayed by Lennie for an amazing duration as he was the main type of family he had. Lennie’s absences of information lead to him being George’s duty thus George stayed by him all through everything. Anyway the two men left the lodge and set of for the fields. The sun was blasting down, beads of sweat poured down their appearances as they showed up to the fields. The two men had shown up later than expected for the third time this week; they got directly to fill in as the supervisor strolled by investigating how everybody was getting on’You late again georgy kid, carry on along these lines and u’ll be taking off and that goes for the enormous one too’ guiding his short warped fingers toward the course of Lennie ‘Won’t happen again boss’ answered George reluctantly. The farm laborers were frightened of the chief, he was a secretive person, nobody really knew anything about him not to mention his genuine name. He would spend his entire day strolling through the fields searching for somebody off base for him to single out. George simply kept out his way as he didn’t need no difficulty simply needed to bring in the cash and head off to purchase a little ranch house and live the American dream. The day at long last reached a conclusion, and on all that it was a Friday, anticipating the two days off George and the young men chose to go into town. As the men set out of toward the lodge Lennie followed strolling a large portion of a mile behind the rest as common singing to him self. ‘Go straight back to the lodge and head to sleep, me and the young men going to hit inta town so don’t stay awake’ trained George to Lennie’Ok George’ answered the huge individual, rehashing discreetly the guidance from George. Lennie advanced back towards the lodge walking around the sloppy fields isolated gouging colossal impressions behind him. As he showed up back to the lodge in solitude, he watched George and different men clearing their path for a night out. In spite of the fact that Lennie never requested to go along with them he got a handle on left, he felt unique and less significant as he was the main man abandoned. Feeling sympathatic towards himself he chose to go off for a stroll as opposed to returning to an unfilled lodge. He began strolling through the dim sloppy fields, his boots secured with huge majority of mud making it difficult for him to lift of the ground to make the following stride, lost in his own musings he continued strolling until his leg at long last stalled out so somewhere down in the mud he dropped, his enormous figure tumbled to the ground with an effect leaving the ground surface all lopsided. He layed still on the ground for a couple of second before choosing to get up. At long last he put forth an attempt to return to his feet when to his stun he understood a young ladies remaining above him looking down at him offering her hand to pull him up. He looked at her, his head began turning her excellence was undescribable her red lipstick shone aginst the evening glow as her long luxurious hair ran down her back. Stunned by her excellence Lennie just continued investigating her eyes, she thought again into his with a befuddled grin blazing off her face ‘you alright there?â€℠¢ the ladies asked amiably ‘you need a hand getting up enormous man, didnt you see thea sign no strolling through the fields around evening time! it’s there for a reason!’ Lennie was lost in her magnificence, not tuning in to nothing she said he put out his hand to acknowledge help from the ladies, she took hold of his tremendous unpleasant hand attempting to pull him up utilizing both her delicate hands. She attempted to pull the huge man off the ground who put forth no attempt to attempt get up himself, he just looked at her as though he was lost in them. She utilized her entire being to help him up however Lennie didnt move an inch. As she discharged the force, tired of pulling, Lennie gave a slight draw on her left hand. The ladies came flying down straightforwardly ontop of him yet hitting her head against the mud. The ladies layed legitimately above him, Lennie’s heart beat expanded as the ladies didn’t move, he delicately turned her of him to one side. While moving her group of himself he understood beads of blood on her brow. Lennie’s pulse expanded, he began to take long profound inhales and got to his feet immediately. He remained over her to acknowledge she had hit her head onto a stone which layed on the mud. Lennie’s alarm started to increas since he made sense of the ladies was dead, he was presently going to stumble into difficulty indeed and let George down. Feeling scared and befuddled, Lennie made a run, he went through the fields falling after each couple of steps as he understood a light being shone toward him, it was his chief. ‘What you doing over here as of now large man’ yelled the manager inquisitively with his voice echoeing through the fields, anyway Lennie’s dread constrained him to disregard the chief and continue running. He ran and ran untill he finaly made it to the lodge. Lennie entered the lodge and went directly to his bunk where he sat up hanging tight for George. Hours went past and the men were not back, Lennie left the lodge and stood outside.The twists blew with power and a couple of moments later Lennie saw George and the men strolling back out yonder, George saw Lennie outside the lodge from a far separation and ran towards him. ‘What you doing up alert as of now, I advised u I would have been late’said George in a diminish and tired voice and abruptly Lennie started sobbing uncontrollably as he accounted for himself to George about what occurred. Subsequent to hearing the news George likewise started to freeze ‘we need to leave Lennie now’ the two men gathered their sacks as different men fell into their profound rest and left as they had no other decision. In spite of the fact that Lennie had intended no damage on th ladies Lennie’s life would be in danger, he would be accused for homicide and with no proof to demonstrate his guiltlessness he would no doubt be murdered. The best way to evade this was to go on the run so the two men set off for the forested areas to get as distant from the town of weed as could be expected under the circumstances. Â

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Cost of Clutter in Your Life

The Cost of Clutter in Your Life Stress Management Household Stress Print The Cost of Clutter in Your Life By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on September 05, 2019 Bigshots/Digital Vision/Getty Images More in Stress Management Household Stress Effects on Health Management Techniques Situational Stress Job Stress Relationship Stress Clutterâ€"most of us have a little of it here or there. In fact, many of us have more than just a little. Over a third of readers avoid going home because of the overwhelming messâ€"and don’t know where to begin cleaning. (In contrast, less than 10 percent say their homes are clutter-free.) How is all this mess affecting us? Time People often think of clutter as an energy drain, but it also drains us of our time. How? People in cluttered homes spend extra time, virtually every day, looking for lost items, such as keys, money, shoes, tools, etc. Even when we’re looking right at the lost item, it becomes difficult to see when surrounded by clutter. And the extra time it takes to search through the mess adds up quickly. Money When we don’t have financial papers organized, bills can get lost, causing us to accrue late fees. Replacing lost items and buying duplicates of those we didn’t realize we already had can also carry a cost that adds up quickly. Stress The most obvious toll that clutter takes is added stress on ones life. Here are some examples of stress clutter can cause: Having guests over becomes an embarrassment or an event that takes all-day preparation.Each room carries visual reminders of all the work that needs to be done in the way of cleaning.Using your home for activities like scrapbooking or yoga becomes difficult or impossible without taking significant time to clear the space.According to the principles of feng shui, clutter drains you of your positive energyâ€"you can actually feel it!A cluttered home, rather than a haven from stress, is a big stressor in itself  and intensifies the frustration and exhaustion that an already-stressed person feels. A Realistic Level of Clutter For most of us, especially for parents of small children, it’s not realistic to maintain a home in perfect order every moment of each day. While it’s inspirational to thumb through catalogs that show beautifully furnished rooms or walk through a wonderfully un-cluttered model home, holding oneself to such high standards of neatness may not only be unrealistic, but it can also cause additional stress. For example, if you find yourself nagging or resenting other family members for the minor messes that they make to the point that it strains family harmony, you may need to relax your standards. How Much Is Too Much? But knowing the toll that clutter takes, how much clutter is too much? While we know that piles of clutter can cause stress and a perfect home may be unrealistic for some people, the level of tolerable clutter may vary from person to person. Stress. The first sign you may have too much clutter is the effect it has on your stress levels while at home. Its helpful to remember that you can best appreciate your home when its a sanctuary for you. Can you truly relax in your home or is it an energy drain? Company.  It can also be stressful to have to do a full cleaning of your home before having any guests over. Do you feel agitated that you cant have someone drop by without worrying about getting everything organized first? Organization.  Is your home organized enough that you can generally find everything you’re looking for without having to search? How to Get Organized There are many books and even websites dedicated to helping you declutter your home, but there are some basic steps that work well: Go room by room and divide your things into four boxes: things to donate, things to throw away, things to keep, and things to store. If you don’t need it or love it, consider getting rid of it.Go through your box of things to keep and find a place for everything. Make it a logical place that’s in the same area where it’ll need to be used. For example, keep keys by the door.Finish one room before moving on to the next. How Cleaning Relieves Stress This can all be done in a day or can be spread out over several weeks in 30-minute increments if you work quickly. If you can only do it in baby steps,  has a good system that can help.? Organize What’s Left As you find places for what you’re keeping, be sure that you’re storing things in a way that makes sense and looks nice. Kids’ toys can be stored very neatly in tubs, which provide quick cleanup and keep toy clutter out of sight. Getting drawer organizers for your bathrooms and kitchen can keep drawers from overflowing with extra items. Having a filing system for papers makes it easy to put them away and find them when you need them. Putting a little extra effort into organizing your things now will save you time in cleaning up and maintaining order for years to come. Create Beauty Once you have your home decluttered and organized, you can add a few nice touches that can make your home the ideal haven for you to relax. I strongly recommend that you have a system in place for playing  music, as it carries such amazing relaxation benefits. You may also want to have some aromatherapy  candles or diffusers out.  Home spa  supplies are a must for the bathroom and  a soothing bedroom  can help with sleep. Finally, I would recommend that you create a small space for yourself to use while  journaling  or for  meditationâ€"it may become your favorite part of your home. Create Positive Chi You may also want to learn  to incorporate some of the principles of Feng Shui, the ancient art of placement, to decorate your home in a way that will reduce daily stress and may help you build the type of life you want. Getting your home more organized feels great. However, just as it takes the effort to maintain weight loss over time, a clean house takes a little ongoing effort as well. Fortunately, this effort can be minimized with the help of expert advice. The following are some of the best bits of advice from the clutter-clearing experts: Keep a schedule.  This is a wonderfully organized way to maintain a clean house, especially for those who work best when they have a list of to-dos to follow.  Follow the  30-second rule.  Not to be confused with the dubious ‘Five-Second Rule’ (which entails eating food off the ground that’s been there only five seconds), this powerful rule by Sarah Felton of Messies Anonymous goes something like thisâ€"if a job takes around 30 seconds or less to do, do it immediately. This applies to putting away your shoes, sorting mail, and other small jobs.Watch your ‘hot spots’.  Remember those piles that you just got rid of? Clutter tends to accumulate in the same placesâ€"the front door, the kitchen tableâ€"little by little each day. Flylady Marla Cilley recommends that you focus on the areas where you tend to leave clutter at the end of each day, so they don’t turn into big piles again.Put your  things away.  Once you have a place for everything and everything in its place, you’ re ready for this important companion rule. When you take something out, you should simply put it back.Take 15 minutes.  Many cleaning experts, including Flylady, recommend that you put on some music and take 15 minutes, a few times a day, to clean. You can get a lot done in 15 minutes and it doesn’t impact your schedule too much to do so.Stop receiving junk mail.  One simple way to cut down on paper clutter is to get rid of the junk before it comes in. More Simple Tips If you bring something in, get rid of something.Do a light cleaning at the end of every day.Do a more thorough cleaning once a week (or hire someone to do it for you if it fits your budget).Have people over more often and really enjoy your home. Live like you really appreciate your newly beautified haven and you’ll automatically be more likely to maintain it. 5 Elements of a Peaceful Home

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

ACT English Multiple Choice Test Strategies

Multiple choice test strategies on the ACT boil down to two broad approaches: eliminating answers that create mistakes, and eliminating answers that aren’t supported by the reading, infographic, or prompt. Strategy 1: Eliminating Answers that Create Mistakes Questions on the ACT English section all involve detecting and correcting writing mistakes that are found either in the passage itself or in the answer prompts. So more often than not, you’ll employ the first strategy: eliminating answers that create mistakes. Here is one example from a typical ACT English question: The title of valedictorian is given to one person, those who have the single best academic performance within a high school graduating class. Select the answer that best corrects the underlined portion of the passage. A) NO CHANGE B) those who, have C) the person with D) a person that is having To eliminate incorrect answers that add new mistakes to the text, quickly scan for things you know can’t be right. The first place to look is the text itself. There’s an obvious mistake in the underlined phrase: â€Å"those† is a plural word, but it refers to a clearly singular antecedent: â€Å"one person.† So right there, you can eliminate choice A (NO CHANGE) as an answer. ACT English loves to present you with plural/singular contradictions, so it’s a good idea to look for other singular/plural mistakes after finding the mistake in the text. You can see another mistake in plurals/singulars and immediately rule out answer B, which also has â€Å"those.† That brings you down to answers C and D. This is a little trickier. Neither seem to violate any obvious grammar rules. Here, it can help to read each choice out loud in context or at least picture each choice in context. Which one sounds and looks right? Most native English speakers would notice that C works better—it â€Å"flows† more smoothly. If you’re having trouble making this distinction, you can still notice that D seems more like a stylistic mistake because it’s wordier. Remember that more often than not, ACT English treats something with an unnecessary number of words as an error, sometimes describing overly wordy phrasing as â€Å"awkward† in its official practice materials. So, by detecting and ruling out writing mistakes one step at a time, you’ve managed to get the correct answer choice C by process of elimination. Strategy 2: Eliminating Answers Not Supported by the Text The second ACT multiple test choice strategy, eliminating answers that are not supported by the text, is less common in ACT English, but it can still happen in content-based questions such as this one (adapted from the Minnesota DNR website): We have no evidence that earthworms ever inhabited the area surrounding the North American Great Lakes before European settlement. Even if they did, the glaciers killed any native North American earthworms in this region. For the last 11,000 years since the glaciers receded, the ecosystem in these portions of the United States and Canada developed without earthworms, and the earthworms living in the present day region are imported species. This is not to say that North America as a whole is devoid of indigenous earthworms. In fact, there are over 100 varieties of native North American earthworms in unglaciated areas such as the Southeastern U.S. and the Pacific Northwest. Given that all of the following sentences are true, which one would most effectively conclude this paragraph? A) NO CHANGE B) Both glaciated and unglaciated regions have similar native species of mice. C) Sometimes even in modern times, the buildup of snow of snow in this region during winter can seem glacier-like. D) Both native and non-native species of earthworms in North America are used in recreational fishing. On this kind of question, you can use the second strategy: eliminating unsupported answers. To find the correct answer, look for the one that’s supported by the passage and is a relevant, good â€Å"fit† for all the other information being presented. B definitely doesn’t work, because it looks at a completely different animal than the one discussed in the rest of the passage. C also doesn’t work since the passage isn’t about modern weather patterns at all. The same goes for D—the passage isn’t concerned with fishing or the commercial sale of earthworms for fishing. This leaves us with A by process of elimination.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Greed and Mass Media - 1197 Words

In today’s society, more people use mass media sources such as Facebook, Twitter, (Internet users—21%) and major news corporations like Fox, CBS, and NBC, etc. (Television viewers—55%) for their information on politics and government (Saad). People have this information twenty-four hours a day, right at their fingertips. While these are quick and seemingly easy sources, they are not always the best choices because media companies are not always giving out information with the public’s best interest at heart. There are a large number of companies that focus on how much money they will bring in. The media, therefore, has an essential duty to always be truthful but also a duty not to betray the trust put into it by society. The media’s need†¦show more content†¦People of all ages are exposed all day long, every day to â€Å"political values through the entertainment function of the media† (Berry, Goldman, Janda, and Schildkraut, 164). Whether or not the public views the media as biased, truthful, or in the middle, the media holds a bit more of a responsibly and obligation to society as a whole. Suppose one goes to a store, buys something, and takes it home, only find out it is a terrible product. It can always be taken back and they can buy a similar product somewhere else. With the media, it is not always that easy. The media is constantly dealing with educating the public on certain topics and, if given false or misleading information, the public will not always know to go to another source. It is the job of the media to play the role of â€Å"common-carrier,† meaning that they are the ones that are the direct line of communication from the government to the public and alternately the thoughts and feelings of the public towards the government (Berry, Goldman, Janda, and Schildkraut, 162). It would be nice to think that everyone can and will get their chance and fair share in owning companies and having s ome control over the media. This however is not likely. There are six main companies that are dominant forces in today’s mass media: Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdochs News Corp., CBS Corporation and NBC Universal. WhileShow MoreRelatedEssay about Book Review on â€Å"Where We Stand: Class Matters†1490 Words   |  6 Pagescircumstance for the privileged people with class power. I came to realize that whites of all class backgrounds seek to keep underprivileged non-white people in subordination to maintain their own class status. Hooks interprets it the victims of predatory greed and the victims of class genocide. This is contradictory to the positive images that Americans celebrate diversity and their virtue of equality. 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According to University Wire, â€Å"[the media is the main reason why we’re]politically divided because the fundamental flaw in our mass media system is that we have two sides.† What two sides are we talking about? We’re talking about the democrats and republicans or in other words, li beral and conservative sides. Liberals are those who believe in changes and conservative are those who believe in traditional values. What is responsible for causing the nation to fall apart? Mass mediaRead MoreEnvironmental Degradation Of The Environment940 Words   |  4 Pagesracial and religious cultures and are transmitted via other people, institutions, popular culture and mass media. Lynn White argues that humans have damaged our world and we need to craft solutions. White puts the blame for environmental degradation on our religious views. White’s argument explains most environmental impacts well but does not explain the scale of these impacts, more specifically the mass amount or rate at which actions are taken that degrade the environment. White argues that Judeo-ChristianRead MoreJohn Soluri s Banana Cultures : Agriculture, Consumption And Environmental Change870 Words   |  4 Pages(Which for spatial and repetitive purposes, I will refer to as Banana Cultures for the remainder of the paper), introduces the reader to a world of corporate greed, consumption, and environmental change using the history of the common, everyday fruit, the banana. He explores the various political occurrences, health problems, and changes in mass media through the rise of the consumption of the banana in the United States, and around the globe. In his introduction, Soluri introduces his idea of the bananaRead MoreHockey Hall Of Ice Show Essay956 Words   |  4 PagesMedia Kiosk 1: Exhibit Hockey Hall of Fame I will be reviewing the Hockey Hall of Fame exhibit. This is an online overview of Toronto’s Hockey Hall of Fame. Each part of the exhibit is explained in detail and implanted visually on the website’s virtual exhibition. I chose to review this exhibit because I am a hockey fanatic. I love going to Toronto Maple Leafs games with my father, while enjoying the city and the entertainment sports provide. I enjoyed that this virtual exhibit had both a visualRead MoreCrime And The Crime Rates1532 Words   |  7 Pagesis rarely talked about is corporate crimes committed on us. The media plays a big part in what we hear about because the human is fascinated by murder and crime so that is what is shown. Literature Review Many authors show that there are many similar factors that constitute to the high crime rates. Multiple articles demonstrate how living in poverty mixed with low or no education, and being unemployed, but fails to mention the greed and those factors in the white collar and corporate crimes. TheRead MoreThe Iraq Invasion Of Iraq1548 Words   |  7 PagesUnited States. Should the United States have interfered in Iraqi affairs? What was the real intention of accusing Iraq for having weapons of mass destruction and holding them accountable for the 9/11 terrorist attacks even though they were innocent of both allegations? Did the U.S. media cover all the truth in Iraq? Was the main purpose of the invasion the greed of oil ? Are Iraqis living in peace after overthrowing the dictator Saddam Hussain? All of the reasoning provided by people who supported

Monday, May 18, 2020

The True Hero Of The Iliad - 2162 Words

Talha Yousaf Theodore O’Neill Human Being and Citizen I 27 October 2014 Hector – The true hero of The Iliad Throughout human history, mankind has venerated heroes because they possess the ideals that people strive to achieve themselves. The appearance and importance of heroes in The Iliad form a major part of what makes it such a celebrated tale. The concept of heroism, however, for the ancient Greeks and modern society is quite different. The Greeks viewed heroes as humans usually descended from the gods and in possession of superhuman strength and an aptitude for battle . Achilles clearly fits the above definition and therefore it comes as no surprise that he has historically been viewed as the main hero of the epic. However, the modern day definition of heroism, more than just strength and prowess in battle, encompasses the idea of a moral responsibility: defending one’s people from harm and sacrificing one’s own desires or life for the sake of others. Hector proves to be a great warrior, referred to as ‘man-killing Hector’ by the Achaeans, and therefore can b e seen as a hero by the Greek perspective. However that is not the defining characteristic of the Trojan Prince. His character revolves around a sense of moral responsibility towards his people, his culture and his family, and using his power to defend them, sacrificing his own life in the process. The goal of this paper is to prove that Hector, not Achilles, is the true hero of The Iliad. Early on in the tale weShow MoreRelated The True Hero of Homers The Iliad Essay890 Words   |  4 PagesThe True Hero of Homers The Iliad The Iliad is a story in which many men should be recognized as great war heroes. They all show a tremendous amount of courage to fight in such a barbaric battle. But this paper?s main focus is between two great leaders of opposing sides. Achilles, who represents the Achaians and Hector, who represents the Trojans. Though both show their bravery during many different instances in the poem, it?s quite obvious to the reader who the betterRead More Essay on Diomedes, the True Hero of Homer’s Iliad1552 Words   |  7 PagesDiomedes, the True Hero of The Iliad In The Iliad, written in a 3rd person omniscient point of view, Homer gives a very serious account of the tenth and last year of the Trojan War.   It was in Homers account that the very idea of becoming a legendary hero reached its pinnacle; the choice of the better hero was not decided on the events they participated in, but rather by their characteristics.   The ancient Greeks had strict criteria for individuals to follow if they were to be seen as heroesRead MoreHector as the True Hero of Homer’s Iliad Essay2389 Words   |  10 PagesHector is the True Hero of Iliad      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In todays society, a mans mind is his most important tool. In the past, however, a mans courage and strength is all that he had to keep him alive. In Homers Iliad, courage is valued over honesty and even faithfulness to ones wife. If a hero is the most courageous man in the bunch, then Hector is more heroic than Achilles and King of the Myrmidons. Hector is the true hero of Homers Iliad. Although Achilles and Hector are both leaders of menRead MoreThe Iliad, By Homer1141 Words   |  5 PagesThe Iliad, along with the Odyssey, is one of two epics handed down through the Homeric tradition in the Greek Dark Ages, considered by many to be the Heroic Age. However, the key issue lies with the fact that ancient Greeks define a ‘hero’ very differently from what we would consider a ‘hero’ to be today. In ancient Greece, a hero is any human descended from the gods and bequeathed with superhuman abilities. By this definition, Achilles is immediately classified as a hero, no matter his actions.Read MoreThe Iliad Vs. Troy1692 Words   |  7 PagesSlater Poem vs Film The Iliad vs â€Å"Troy† Achilles and Hector fighting with Athena and Apollo on both sides of the Warriors Introduction Written by the ancient Greek poet, Homer, The Iliad was an epic documented on the nearly 10-year long war between the Trojans and the Greeks. Although the epic had occurred in 1194–1184 BC, the epic was passed down through generations, orally, until Homer wrote the Iliad 500 years after the Trojan war in 750 BC. An adaptation of the Homers’ Iliad is David Benioff’sRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Iliad, Heroism801 Words   |  4 Pages​In Homer’s Iliad, heroism plays a major role in the two idols the reader will side with; Achilles or Hector. Society’s image of a hero demands for an altruistic, strong, and compassionate figure, but Homer refutes this idea of a hero. Homer’s Iliad demonstrates that in a realistic society, there is no such thing as a complete hero, and that true heroism does not exist. ​Achilles, the Achaean trophy soldier, was the creation of a mortal named Paleus and of a Goddess named Thetis. Because of his immortalityRead MoreThe Iliad Or The Poem Of Force1472 Words   |  6 PagesIn her essay, The Iliad or The Poem of Force, Simone Weil argues, â€Å"The true hero, the true subject matter, the center of the Iliad, is force,† (152). â€Å"Force† is defined as, â€Å"that x that turns anybody who is subjected to it/ into a thing,† (153). Weil perceives force as an active entity that is capable of profound, negative, influences on the lives it touches (153). For a hero, force replaces his rational sensibilities by an uncontrollable urge to slaughter his opponent in an animalistic fashion,Read MoreIliad by Homer1216 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is a hero, and what is a true hero? In the Greek society, as perceived in Homer’s Iliad, to be a hero is to be â€Å"publicly recognized for ones valour on the battlefield† and to have a prize with it (Sale). In other words, a hero is someone who fights for his own fame and glory. However, the modern perception of a hero is quite different. A hero is someone who do not endeavor to become a hero, but someone who act in admirable ways, often for the better of everyone else. The modern concept of heroismRead MoreThe Code Of Honor In The Iliad And The Odyssey1684 Words   |  7 PagesIn Websterâ₠¬â„¢s Dictionary, a hero is defined as a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of purpose, especially if this individual has risked or sacrificed his life. In the Iliad and the Odyssey, the code which administers the conduct of the Homeric heroes is a straightforward idea. The aim of every hero is to achieve honor. Throughout the Iliad and the Odyssey, different characters take on the role of a hero. Honor is essential to the Homeric heroes, so much that life would be meaningless withoutRead MoreQualities of a Hero Illustrated in Homer’s Epic Poem, The Iliad632 Words   |  3 Pages The Ancient Greeks idealized and worshiped their heroes, this is portrayed in Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad. To become a hero in ancient Greece, one would have to live and die in pursuit of glory and honor. Both Achilles and Hector seek victory in battle to become the â€Å"true hero.† Although both characters possess many hero-like qualities, Hector proved to be the ge nuine hero. Heroes are viewed differently today as the average person who is admired for courage or outstanding achievements

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Theory Of Ethical Leadership - 929 Words

Explanation of Ethical Leadership The research of Thomas W. H. Ng and Daniel C. Feldman provides quantitative data, which validates the effectiveness of Ethical Leadership through the meta-analysis of 101 ethical leadership related studies conducted over the last 15 years. Somewhat in nascent form, Ethical Leadership (Ng Feldman, 2015) is viewed as conduct predicated on exhibiting positive role mode actions while promoting moral member conduct through collaboration, communication, and reinforcing behavior (Ng Feldman, 2015). Leaders who employ EL are considered to weigh their ethical values significantly during their transactions with assigned team members. Furthermore, EL also suggests there is a correlation between how well a leader assess their own values and beliefs prior to exercising referent and reward power behavior. Connection to Social Learning Theory The genesis of EL precepts may have a cultural basis in either Eastern or Western philosophy. In terms of theoretical impact, it may be impossible to determine which hemisphere has a majority stake exactly. This may be due to the cultural differences in identification of self within the context of popular religions such as Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judeo-Christian beliefs (Ng Feldman, 2015). Regardless, the majority of those leaders who demonstrated EL generally exhibited a psychological motivation to be just. This need may have a basis in social learning theory and even social exchangeShow MoreRelatedEthical Theories Of Ethical Leadership1209 Words   |  5 PagesDisadvantages of ethical leadership Despite the positive elements ethical leadership can provide to an organisation, it arguable can cause issues as well. Ethical leadership requires the leader’s ethical framework to fall in line with the vision of the organisation. But it’s not just the leader and the organisation that need to be aligned, the subordinates can find it difficult working in an environment with certain ethical standards. You should be aware by now that ethical behaviour depends onRead MoreThe Ethical Theories Of Leadership Essay1535 Words   |  7 Pages Leadership is not a one size fits all type of thing. Each person has his or her own style of leadership that develops over time. Even though there are many different style of leadership, one thing that most leaders have in common are there values. All leaders want the best for those that they lead, and they want successfully accomplish the task that they are given. In the military, a leader’s ethics are what guide them in day-to-day life and sometimes life or death situations. That is why it isRead MoreEthics And Morality Are The Same Thing812 Words   |  4 Pagespeople often think ethics and morality are the same thing. But in order to understand ethical leadership, it can be beneficial to view these two concepts differently. One of the most important ethical philosophers of modern times has been John Rawls, who made a clear distinction between comprehensive moral systems and less comprehensive systems. The distinction can help better understand the idea of ethical leadership. To Rawls, the two differ in the following manner: †¢ Comprehensive moral systems coverRead MoreThe Chicago School Of Professional Psychology Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Luis A. Santiago-Gaetan The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Brief Introduction This paper contains a brief annotated bibliography of research articles selected on the specific research topic of the perceived institutional ethical behavior of US-based multinational corporations and its relationship with organizational longevity. Following the five peer-reviewed qualitative research articles. APA Annotation Aleksic, A. (2013). How Organizations Achieve Longevity: The Role ofRead MoreLeadership Ethics : Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi And Jack Welch933 Words   |  4 Pagesthat there is no single formula for leadership, and it will be best understood from multiple perspectives (Shriberg and Shriberg, 2011). We also accept the fact that every leader leads differently. Our team has chosen three exemplary leaders of all time – Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Jack Welch. Each one of them has exhibited a great amount of leadership skills and up to this day are used as examples in our current globalised economics. Their leadership has shaped countries and their influenceRead MorePerceived Institutional Ethical Behavior Of Us Based Multinational Corporations And Its Relationship With Organizational Longevity Essay1209 Words   |  5 PagesBrief Introduction This paper contains a brief annotated bibliography of research articles selected on the specific research topic of the perceived institutional ethical behavior of US-based multinational corporations and its relationship with organizational longevity. Following the five peer-reviewed qualitative research articles. APA Annotation Aleksic, A. (2013). How Organizations Achieve Longevity: The Role of Change Management in Building Their Sustainability. International journal of the academyRead MoreThe Ethics Of A Leader1604 Words   |  7 PagesLeadership is a partnership between two or more people, so it is necessary to design a guideline that allows a leader to create an ethical organization. Even though leadership is impossible without followers, a person must first transform their own ethical theory into a process before they can teach or require ethical behavior from others. Leaders must incorporate their ethical beliefs and decision making template into everyday life. The personal ethics of a leader will cast a light on organizationsRead MoreRobert Nardelli s Leadership Style1338 Words   |  6 Pageshis departure from the company. Nardelli had an interesting leadership style that bordered on the edge of being considered unethical and was considered by many as not being beneficial for the company overall. By evaluating Robert Nardelli’s leadership style against known leadership theories such as trait, behavioral, situational and contingency theories it is easy to dissect his leadership style and make a final decision as to how ethical he was as a leader. Robert Nardelli took over as CEO of HomeRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Leadership1208 Words   |  5 Pagestied to my philosophy of leadership. I reside in the first category of people, those that operate in a moral philosophy that has not been specifically identified, but is strongly tied to my faith. This paper will allow me to express my own personal and leadership philosophy. My personal philosophy has been molded and developed by my upbringing, faith and experiences in my life. A nature and nurture process co-exists to develop one’s guidelines in life and in leadership. We take experiences andRead MoreThe Ethics of Leadership1648 Words   |  7 PagesThe Ethics of Leadership David Draper Ashford University BUS 610- Organizational Behavior Dr. Gary Shelton March 18, 2013 ABSTRACT The paper explores the leadership of Robert Nardelli at home depot during the years of 2000 through 2006. The paper focuses on his methods and actions in the context of leadership theory in an effort to define his specific leadership style. Once defined the paper examines his methods and actions to determine if they were ethical or unethical. Nardelli’s

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Main Problem with Management - 1002 Words

During my four years at USC, my course focus has mainly been on management. Initially, I began as a Sport and Entertainment Management major, and then transferred into the Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts major. The BAIS has allowed me the flexibility to expand my interest in management in general. My two areas of focus in the BAIS are Sport and Entertainment Management and Business Management. Accordingly, my paper will focus on a problem in management. My work experience and my course experiences have provided me the basis for selecting a problem in management. Additionally, I spoke with my manager in the food industry, as well as a department manager in a local retail store. My observation and those of the two managers all focus on the need for changing the current work ethic, especially as it applies to the younger generation. Since I have known this assignment was coming up, I have been thinking for some time which problem I would select as one to take on for this assignment. It was somewhat ironical that the IDST 497 professor, Dr. Truell, recently posted two related readings on Blackboard that will be the source of a later course assignment. Content from those articles will be helpful in explaining how this generation is different. These differences are reflected in many of the concerns managers today have identified. In 1904, Max Weber coined the term work ethic in a religious sense and actually referred to the term as the Protestant work ethic (FineShow MoreRelatedBook Review: Lets Fire All the Managers1033 Words   |  5 PagesIntriguing start changes in the list of charges against the modern management system. The author is showing his critic for complicated system, where we have hundreds of managers in various level. He lists three main problems. As first is the costs of management which is very expensive. At second he shows that typical management hierarchy increases the risk of â€Å"calamitous† decisions with bad judgment. And as third multitiered management structure systematically disempowers lower-level employees. ForRead MoreRationale Sample1424 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Automated Subject Evaluation and Class Management System of Bohol Island State University – Main Campus† Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE INTRODUCTION Rationale Almost everything has been influenced by technology. In the current era of rapid development, technology facilitates peoples’ lives and creates more comfort. It has remarkably improved the quality of life. Due to this advancement, young people of this generation are getting used to find the easiest and most convenient way. As forRead MoreThe Desctiption of the Service Desk1159 Words   |  5 PagesThe service desk has strong relationship with customers, users, IT service providers and third-party service providers. The service desk is responsible for carrying out incident management and request fulfilment processes. The objective of the service desk is to restore normal service for users as quickly as possible.Besides,help desk also give, a strong impact on customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction.This paper provides a wider literature review on service support and provides a more detailedRead MoreMaximizing Shareholder Value926 Words   |  4 Pagescorporation. This includes also the senior management. Determining the objectives of the firm is not necessarily a straightforward task because the typical firm will have many types of participants. Among these participants are shareholders, creditors, managers, employees, customers, suppliers, governments and a variety of special interest groups. The objectives of these different types of participants are likely to be in conflict. But the main focus and objective of every firm and its membersRead MoreIntroduction And Problem Identification Of Toyota1601 Words   |  7 Pages MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS 1101IBA Liza Armia S5014132 â€Æ' Contents Introduction and Problem identification 2 Literature Themes or Arguments 3 Recommendations and Conclusion 5 References 6 â€Æ' Introduction and Problem identification Toyota became the world’s leading carmaker when it successfully surpassed general motors in sales and production. However since 2009, Toyota has been experiencing difficulties with their production which caused the company too recall approximately 9 million vehicles globallyRead MoreThe Consolidated Life Case Study1171 Words   |  5 Pagesconsolidated Life case study Main problem The main problem in this case is the conflict between two different cultures underlined by two divergent management styles. A loose and people-oriented management style, applied by the supervisor Mike Wilson which proved to be efficient with the current situation of Consolidated Life company, versus a strict and task-oriented management style exercised by the senior vice president Jack Greely, a style assumed by the management to be the reference model thatRead MoreNursing Management Of A Patient Who I Have Looked After During My Placement1407 Words   |  6 PagesIn this essay, I aim to evaluate the nursing management of a patient who I have looked after during my placement. The setting is High Dependency Unit and the study is based on single day of my placement. I will be using a pseudonym to refer my patient to protect her identity and respect her confidentiality according to code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (2008). Full consent was obtai ned from the patient to conduct this study. Dorothy Smith is a 77 years oldRead MoreThe Field Of Public Administration Essay1275 Words   |  6 PagesThe field of Public Administration is undoubtedly one of the most vast study fields there is. It is said that public administration is closely related to Management in terms of public management theories. After all Public Administration is the perfect management of people in a more vast public setting.According to Nigro and Nigro in their book Modern Public Administration, Public Administration is a co-operative group effort in a public setting which works in collaboration with the executive, legislatureRead MoreUrban Water Environmental Analysis1664 Words   |  7 Pages In this changing global world, urban water systems are the most essential, valuable and sensitive part of public infrastructure. Different utilities and municipalities are dealing with this infrastructure with high responsibility for proper management and expansion for present and future generations (2). Rising population, growth in development, climate change all these issues are going to increase the demand of water in the future. According to United Nations Department of Economy And Social AffairsRead MoreQuality Management Plan For Catering Service Quality Essay1484 Words   |  6 PagesQuality Management Strategy Service quality is the soul of the service industry, the quality of service has become a bottleneck restricting the development of the restaurant. Therefore, the improvement of catering service quality has always been the concern of the catering industry. Quality Planning The main purpose is: 1. Make customers satisfied with our service, such as tasty, healthy food. 2. Provide customers a suitable environment, such as enough light, soft chair. 3. Based on previous 2

Frankenrunner Free Essays

Frankincense: Methods and Techniques: Structure Narrative Form From Top Notes – Patterson Strangers Epistolary Narrative Form â€Å"Frankincense† Is written In an epistolary narrative form that was popular at the time in which it was written. The original publication was presented in three volumes and this emphasized the Chinese box structure of the story within a story within a story. This structural device adds a great deal to its stark drama as well as ensuring greater reader engagement. We will write a custom essay sample on Frankenrunner or any similar topic only for you Order Now The use of three narrators lends verisimilitude to an unlikely Tory since there is no one omniscient narrator. Our ideas are formulated by responding to multiple narrators and from being able to balance perceptions from one to the other. This method enables the author to maintain a certain objective distance between the text and the reader, allowing her audience to Judge and assess the moral worth of her protagonists. Flaws become evident but rather than the novelist casting aspersions on them; the characters condemn themselves In the reader’s mind by their very actions. Multiple Narrators The novel is still able to Intrigue contemporary audiences because each of the three separate stories engage our sympathy with the narrator who presents them. This lends a personal voice in their fate. Each story fits neatly into the next. New contributions are made to our understanding which in turn colors our response to what is being recounted. The interlocutory bond between storyteller and listener Is maintained throughout even though the narrators alternate and often overlap. The reader is caught up in the storytellers magic, listening spellbound as different aspects of plot or character are revealed. First person narration offers one perspective but when this is put up against a deferent version of events, out Interpretations shift on response to questionable moral efficacy. Both Walton and Frankincense are linked by their voluntary alienation from society whereas the Creature has been forced to wander the world as an outcast. The narrators are depicted as flawed Individuals and on the absence of any one, single or reliable storyteller, the reader Is forced to assume the mantle of Judge. We, rather Han the novelist, evaluate the narrators and their versions of the truth that are presented to us. Well ? educated Walton seems the most reliable of the three and like Coleridge Ancient Mariner, is left alive to tell the tale that was in turn recounted to him. Shelley makes it clear however that these tales however have been filtered throughout his consciousness. Wallow’s sister, Mrs. Seville becomes a surrogate reader, serving narrative function of receiving the letters her brother writes. Dualism Dualism links Victor and his mother which is not given a name, having no identity there than that of being Frankincense’s doppelgà ¤nger shadow. Constructed from the dead body parts of others, he is a grotesque parody of life. â€Å"My form†, says the monster, â€Å"is a filthy type of yours, made horrid even in the very resemblance. † Both the scientist and his creation represent the duality of the human condition, the composite blend of good and evil; â€Å"Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous and magnificent, yet so vicious and base? He appeared at once time a mere scion of the evil principle, and at another as all that can be conceived of noble and godlike. Frankincense describes the fiend as a monstrous or supernatural devil – â€Å"l was cursed by some devil, and carried about with me mum eternal hell†. Linked by many features such as a desire to learn and extract vengeance and scarred by the emotional suffering that results, they become mirrored reflections of each other. Their identities fuse as part of the Doppelgà ¤nger motif, forging an ambivalent relationship between good and bad. This helps reinforce the central thematic concern of monstrosity, challenging the reader to ponder the nature of humanity and its evil twin. How to cite Frankenrunner, Papers

The Disney World Adventure free essay sample

My sister and I woke up at six o’clock on the morning of our first day in Orlando after a sleepless night. Our first choice was to see Epcot Park, one of the numerous theme parks that make up Disney World. We were amazed to experience a Worlds Fair atmosphere with pavilions of countries representing nations from around the globe, as well as attractions featuring state of the art technology. There was a lot of diverse entertainment such as rides for kids with Disney characters, flying in the sky and space-flying simulator, a huge selection of restaurants, and beautiful tropical gardens with sweet fragranced flowers all centered on a glistening lagoon. At the end of the day, we saw a spectacular show on the World Showcase Lagoon with all the Disney characters. It seemed like people were celebrating Christmas, but even something more important. My sister and I celebrated feeling like kids again, with no worries, only unlimited happiness. We will write a custom essay sample on The Disney World Adventure or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the second day, we decided to see Magic Kingdom, in which many people say â€Å"the true spirit of Disney magic can be experienced simply by stepping foot inside it†. There was music from Disney cartoons playing all around. â€Å"Don’t you feel like you are a part of a fairy-tale? † my sister asked with a smile. I felt like I had become a seven-year-old girl, wandering around and trying to find new adventures, like Alice from â€Å"Alice in Wonderland† when she felt into the rabbit’s hole. Cinderella’s Castle, the main entrance to Fantasyland, looked magical like it was just taken out of a fairy-tale; it was one of the most unforgettable places in the Magic Kingdom for me. By the time we got to the restaurant at the Castle, the sun was at its peak, and it felt as if it was hot enough to fry an egg in the middle of the street. The dining room was surprisingly small and intimate with tapestries, high ceilings, warm wood trim and leaded glass windows overlooking Fantasyland. We felt like royalty while we were enjoying our heese tortellini with julienne vegetables for dinner and raspberry sorbet for the desert at Cinderellas Royal Table. Finally, we saw Mickey Mouse on the third day. Most kids believe Mickey Mouse is real; however, when my sister and I came closer to him to take pictures, we were nervous, as if he were real. After that, my sister and I decided to go on the scariest attraction at Walt Disney World The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. When we entered t he lobby, we saw that everything was covered with dust and cobwebs. From there, we were directed to the Library and before the door closed and the lights dimmed, we looked around and it seemed to me that my heart stopped beating. On top of the bookcases, we saw some props from Twilight Zone episodes. The door opened, and we entered the â€Å"Twilight Zone†, where we were in the boiler room of the hotel waiting to board a 1917 service elevator. â€Å"I’m not going! † my sister said. I looked at her and saw fear in her eyes. â€Å"We’ll be fine,† it was the last thing I could manage to say. We fastened our seat belts, the doors closed, and the elevator headed up followed by loud scary music. Scream! † I shouted to my sister, but neither one of us could scream because we were too terrified. At the first stop, the doors opened and we saw a very cool optical illusion of ghosts hanging in the air. The doors closed again and at the next stop, we moved forward, but we didn’t know that this ride would get even m ore frightening; you never know how many times you’ll go up and down, and up and down. After that attraction, my sister and I didn’t talk for ten minutes. We were just glad to be alive and on the ground. Unfortunately, our vacation to Orlando was too short, but my impressions are very colorful still. It was very informative to see many innovations in Epcot Park. It was great to see Mickey Mouse and have dinner at Cinderella’s Castle like a princess, and it was fantastic to spend some time with my sister. It was an incredible experience in The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, especially since I know that I won’t go on that ride again. All the shows and rides were unforgettable and reminded my sister and me of our childhood, forgetting that we were adults for a while.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Her First Ball- Katherine Mansfield free essay sample

A young girl, about 18 years of age called Leila is the protagonist of the story. The story expresses the Excitement and Anxiety of Leila, who is extremely self conscious at the prospect of attending her first formal ball. The prose is written in Third person Omniscient, where the narrator is not a character in the story nor Leila, but tells the story strictly through her eyes only and we read the thoughts going on in her mind as she experiences her First Ball, and all the hurdles and problems that come with it. The exposition of Leila illustrated that there was novelty in everything that surrounded the event. We are not told what Leila is feeling in the story, but shown through the dialogues of those around her, and what they are saying about her. Also, the author has used actions to depict further the character of Leila. The main themes of the story is that of Excitement, Anxiety and Facing the Reality and are very well portrayed throughout. We will write a custom essay sample on Her First Ball- Katherine Mansfield or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The setting of the story is that of the early 20th century, in the UK, probably a huge city like London. The Prose is set in the night time, and the socio-economic setting is that of the elite, upper class according to me, as it was them, and only them who were permitted to attend balls in that time period, and this is pointed out in the prose by the costumes of the characters, their mannerisms, and their actions. The storys introduction is the whole scene in the beginning where the protagonist is in the cab with three other characters. It expresses the Main Characters excitement towards the ball, and the fact that she is trying hard to contain herself and not to show it, as it would have been considered inappropriate for a girl in those times to do so. The Rising action is when the old man asks Leila to book him a dance. The Climax is reached when the Old man is dancing with Leila and narrates lifes greatest miseries for a women, paints a very dark picture and associates Leila with it. He shatters her happiness and tramples all over it, and Leila fails to admit whatever he says, not because he was wrong, but because she wanted to stay in her delusional world for the moment and live in the present, rather than worry about the future. The falling action is the Dance with the other gentleman, towards the end. The resolution of the prose is when Leila ignores and refuses to recognise the old man with the slightest of ease. The Diction used is Easy to comprehend, even though extensive. It fits in with the setting. Also, there is a lot of imagery and other literary devices used throughout the story. For Example: waltzing lamp-posts personification. This has been used to express Leilas excitement about the ball, and is an extended metaphor used in order to show what Leila was imagining. 2) Little Satin Shoes chased each other like birds simile and visual imagery. This device is used to show the hustle-bustle of the place where the ball was to be held, and depicts the beauty of the moment. In addition to this, the writer also has a very unique way of writing, which differentiates her work from any other authors. She likes to list actions out, in order to show the excitement and hurry in which they are done. For Eg: Leila put two fingers on Lauras pink pushed into a little room marked Ladies There are basically 2 main characters in the story, the protagonist Leila as mentioned above, who is portrayed as an innocent girl from the countryside, and The old man, who plays the role of a wise, experienced single man, who is either careless of his appearance or is of a bad socio economic background, and is a pessimist, judging by the way he paints a dark picture about leila and her future. There are also a few flat characters such as Meg, Laurie, Laura and Jose. Anxiety and Excitement have been very clearly shown in the story by the use of various actions by the characters, many dialogues and the use of literary devices as mentioned above.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Hill Of Fury Essays - Volcanology, Volcanic Rocks, Soufrire Hills

A Hill of Fury: Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat Island After 400 years of quiet slumber, the Soufriere Hills volcano on the tiny island of Montserrat in the Carribean Sea (Figure 1), came to life in the summer of 1997. The eruptions threatened the original 11,000 residents of the island and even today continue to be a nuisance to the remaining 4,000 people who refuse to leave the island, despite warnings of impending danger. At least 20 people have already been killed, and several villages destroyed. The Montserrat Volcano Observatory analyzes the active volcano and provides information to scientists and residents of the island (Montserrat Volcano Observatory 12). The worst of the eruption may or may not have already passed. Fig.2 Pyroclastic flows reached the Sea and formed a delta at the mouth of a major river (Discovery 1). Residents of Montserrat face many potential dangers as a result of the Soufriere Hills Volcano. A deadly combination of ash, rock, and hot gases form pyroclastic flows which travel down the steep slopes of the volcano at speeds which are often more than 100 miles per hour (Skurzinsky 39). Eruptions of Soufriere Hills in June, August, and December of 1997 created pyroclastic flows which blasted toward the sea along the White River at high speeds (Figure 2). Several villages were destroyed as a result. The capital city, Plymouth, was burned to the ground, and then covered in volcanic rock and ash (Figure 3). Twenty people were killed, despite evacuation attempts and warnings. One Hundred seventy-five homes were destroyed and the flows came within 200 feet of the airport (Williams 59). The monetary amount of the damage has not been calculated because the destroyed towns are uninhabita ble. Many people lost everything they had (Figure 4). An excerpt from the Montserrat Volcano Observatory describes the situation shortly after the eruption. Fig.3 The evacuated capital city, Plymouth, burned in Aug. 1997, as a result of the eruptions (National Geographic 1). "Pyroclastic flows from Soufriere Hills Volcano on Montserrat have reached the capital city of Plymouth. Many homes and businesses can be seen burning from several miles away. Fire fighters have been unable to stop these flames which threaten to consume the entire city. Ashfalls occurred in Iles Bay, Ole Towne, Salem, and several other areas west of the volcano (Montserrat Volcano Observatory 15)." Fig.4 Plymouth was left buried in ash by pyroclastic flows in the summer of 1997 (Discovery 2). Fig.5 A Montserrat resident watches as the volcano erupts and spews ashes over her town. Since the 1997 eruptions, villages near the volcano continuously experience dangerous ash dusting whenever the volcano spits magma from beneath the earth's surface. Sometimes, volcanic pebbles accompany the ash and can be dangerous as they fall from the sky. Ash gets everywhere; It kills gardens, grass pastures, and makes the roads slippery and dangerous for travel (Figure 5). In addition, breathing the ash-filled air can, over time, contribute to silicosis, a deadly disease of the lungs. The frequent earthquakes associated with the Soufriere Hills eruptions also pose a threat to residents. The Montserrat Volcano Observatory reported that the probability of future death is one in ten, or 10%. After the volcano reopened in 1997, a US geological team was sent to Montserrat, and the Montserrat Volcano Observatory kicked into high gear. In order to properly monitor the Soufriere Hills volcano, tiltmeters, seismometers, and gas analyzers were installed close by. Simon Young, A British volcanologist at the Montserrat Volcano Observatory commented on the technology in place. "There are five main areas of monitoring that we undertake. The first and really the foundation of monitoring is recording the earthquakes that go on underneath the volcano, and within the volcano, which are always associated with volcanic eruptions. We also have an electronic instrument that tells us whether the volcano is tilting . . . , swelling, or contracting . . . We collect samples from (the volcano) and . . . measure the gases (Montserrat Volcano Observatory 19)." Fig.6 Soldiers help residents evacuate the island in Aug. 1997 In addition to high tech monitoring and constant calculations, authorities have distributed helmets and gas masks to the 4,000 remaining residents. The helmets are to protect against airborne pebbles flying from the volcano and

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Contextual Analysis

Advertisement Description Critical/Contextual Analysis In the competitive world, communication is conveyed in several ways. The response of the target audience to a given message will depend on how best the message has been displayed to be analyzed by the said audience. The most common means of communication is through signs and images.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advertisement Description: Critical/Contextual Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Business organizations and various stakeholders apply images in conveying their message to the target audience. In order for the said image to be effective, the advertiser must be able to make a detailed evaluation of what these images connote, how and when they are used and their importance to the society (Chandler Daniel 2004, p.54). This means that the images should be carrying some connotative meanings, other than the denotative ones that can be easily interpreted. They may be carrying some myths or something the c ommunity cherishes. Some signs are polygenic in nature since they carry more than one meaning. Therefore, care should be taken when they are used so that the intended meaning comes out. This paper attempts to make an analysis of an advertisement image. There are three modes of advertisements: Presenter, Demonstration and slice of life. The focus of the analysis will be on presenter advertisement. A presenter advertisement exhibits how a product works by demonstrating the unique product attributes and effectively explaining the product or service to the viewers. This form of advertisement can equally help a business to highlight how the specific needs of another third party business can be met. Presenter advertisements are best suited for internet flash and television. The signifier is the picture depicted in the advertisement. It is through interpreting the image that we create meaning from the advertisement. The text on the other hand is the signified; it highlights the meaning tha t the signifier indicates. When making an advertisement, several factors are considered. Some of these factors include gender, age, and class of the targeted group (Chiazzari Suzy 1998, p. 256). Cost of advertisement is a major challenge when choosing the kind of advertisement to make.Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Advertisements have a lot of impact to the public and therefore the corporate world has developed common trend especially when introducing new products into the market. The image used in this advertisement is that of Thierry Henry. Thierry Henry is an international footballer, an icon, and a renowned person who has worked hard in the field of football to make sure his team prospers. The said advertisement describes a football icon that is not afraid to fail in all his endeavors but hates to lose. This means that the advert urges the subject of the target grou p to undertake all their activities and focus on winning despite the challenges (Chiazzari Suzy 1998, p.255). The iconic figure of Thierry Henry as used in the advert shows a person who has put his fear behind and thereby shows his willingness to try new ideas to become successful. The use of image also describes a person who is hopeful without having doubts. However, the introduction of the dormant Reebok sign at the bottom of the advertisement heightens the tone of the advert and as such, urges the subjects of the target group to put doubts behind them and move on with new ideas. Reebok is an international company dealing with sportswear materials and produces accessories, athletic shoes, and apparel. The company has struggled through several barriers to achieve an international recognition (Talbot 1998, p.144). The advertisement image is portrayed in this picture is on the billboard. The billboard is large enough such that people can see it from a far distance. It can be noted t hat such a large size is also visible to people who are inside a moving vehicle. Thierry looks regretting as shown by his face signifying someone who lost in the past because he was afraid to fail. The tone of the message, that is, the use of bold and light colored writings signifies courage and not hesitating. Therefore, the target group should never lose hope when exploring new ideas.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advertisement Description: Critical/Contextual Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Based on the picture and the message portrayed, Thierry Henry represents the middle-aged population of young men and women (youth) who are afraid of exploring new opportunities that come on their way. When one glance at the advert, what is seen first is bright picture of football icon Thierry Henry, followed by some bold and light written words, â€Å"I am not afraid to fail but I hate to lose†. The first in tention of the advertiser was to attract the onlookers because the bright color of Thierry is very conspicuous and strikes the eyesight very fast and therefore everyone brings his or her attention to the advert. The information written on the advert has a lot to tell the target audience. The way the information has been written can be interpreted in two ways. First, the advertiser is targeting someone who knows how to identify and interpret images and second, the advertiser is targeting someone who does not know how to interpret images but can read and analyze the information (Saussure 2011, p.59). The information is very polite and suggestive. The advertiser tells the audience (who can read but not interpret the image) that indeed he looks like someone who is afraid to explore new ideas and is deemed to lose (Tolston 1996, p.73). The same message is passed to someone with ability to read and interpret the image, which adds some emphasize to his understanding. This image implies tha t if one comes across good opportunities in life its good to explore on them without fear otherwise he will stand lose and regret. In addition, the image is very advising in that both the image and the written words are advising the target group they should never be afraid to fail but never give a chance for loss. The youthful generation is also advised to try to maneuver through several opportunities as they make critical decisions in life. The notion of symbolism technique is used in the advert. The sign of Reebok and the image of Thierry Henry are symbolic and as such, it has proved effective as the main idea behind the advert is passed (Lewis 2007, p.108).Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The subject of the targeted group should never regret anytime in their entire life instead, they should avoid any fear associated to their failure and develop a positive attitude towards winning just like Reebok Company and Thierry Henry does. This is because despite several challenges that Thierry Henry has gone through in the football arena he always strived to excel and the same for Reebok Company, it has passed through major struggle to become an international company in sportswear materials (White 2000, p. 52). In terms of challenges, both Thierry and Reebok Company share similar characteristics regarding their struggle for success. The image also symbolizes two different kinds of life; a hopeful and successful life of a youthful guy who has achieved and anticipate to face the future after succeeding in the past and a regretful life of a failure who is always afraid to fail and ends up losing.Further, the image also signifies a great deal of contrast. As such, the mood of Thier ry Henry contrasts with the tone and the message being conveyed. Topography also features in the advertisement whereby some words have been bolded to emphasize the importance of the advert to the targeted group. Behind the bright image of Thierry Henry is another black image with a different size and appearance: symbolizing two different kinds of lives, the two personalities are living. Thierry Henry image is bright, big and very visible symbolizing courage, hope, and lack of fear in facing the future (Tolston 1996, p. 75). The image behind him is black and not clearly visible symbolizing darkness and lack of vision for a person who has lost hope in life. The choice of color also plays an important role in the advert. The bright color branded to the football icon depicts success and achievement for someone who made a positive choice in life and never lost therefore life has been success to him. With this color, it is easy to capture the attention of the target group and therefore th e message is conveniently conveyed. The image behind him is dark in color and invisible symbolizing lack of vision for a person who has been in darkness and has no focus to achieve. Color tone is also brought clearly by use of bold colored words such as â€Å"lose† and â€Å"not†. Boldness brings about emphasizes of the message to the reader. To a person who can read and not interpret his eye vision will be attracted to the bolded words that are negative in nature and link them to the image of Thierry Henry; he will therefore understand better the negative repercussions of ignorance. In terms of gender, the advert uses an image of young football icon meaning that the young generation of youthful men and women are being represented in the product or service being advertised. These groups are in the process of making life decisions and so the image makes them aware that the choice of decision they make today will determine their success for tomorrow; therefore they shoul d never regret the kind of decisions they make in life (Tolston 1996, p. 73). This is because most important decisions in life are made during youthful stage and choice of decision is an important determinant in future. The two images informs the target group the importance of making informed choices in life by capturing both positive and negative sides of future and displays them in the same advert so its upon the reader to read, see, and make judgment. Though the advert uses a man’s image, it does not mean that men are the target. The writing on it is clear evidence that the advertiser targeted the young generation from all races ranging from men to women (Saussure 2011, p. 58). There is no any limiting attributes to say a certain class is targeted, the advertiser generalized to pass a clear message to everyone. The use of image is very effective when making advertisements. According to, a researcher, picture brings personal reflection to a real life situation. Picture also carries a very strong message for those who cannot read and write. In addition, personal image brings a sense of human being and it is easy for one to understand the message because people are interested in what they see around them. It is therefore very important when designing an advertisement to take into account the target group and their area of interest, which enhances the effectiveness of the advertisement. Advertisements are different depending on age factor, race, gender, and class. The use of brand logo and an arrow is a distinctive feature in this advertisement because it creates curiosity and visibity of the advertisement (Talbot 1998, p. 144). The use of different colors in brand logo makes it look conspicuous from the rest of the image. The advertiser uses an international sportswear company and a renowned football icon as an advertisement strategy. Both the football player and Reebok Company have international recognition and therefore everyone is curious to know the message behind the two. The image attracts the reader and once he sees the image he will read. The background also presents both the past and the future that is unknown to the target group (Barthes 2003, p. 212). Both future aspects as presented in the advert (the invisible dark image) show a right decision that was made in the past yields to successful opportunity in future (bright image of Thierry Henry). It is clear from the analysis that images play an important role in making an advertisement. An advertisement is most effective when an image of an international icon is used or common thing that is known to everyone because people want to be associated with an international and successful person in their lifetime (Lewis 2007, p. 108). Colors also carry different meaning to different people and therefore the choice of color is very important. Bright colors are the best because they strike the eye very strongly and one can see them from far even in a moving car. It is also import ant to use more than one language, toplogy and color technique when making such advertisements because the intended message very effectively conveyed to the intended group as compared to other types of advertisements (Chiazzari Suzy 1998, p. 275). Overall, the advertiser has applied necessary ingredients in bringing out the message in the advert. There are no controversial images or violation of media ethics. The colors have been applied in their context without suggesting otherwise to the reader. With such kind of advert, the advertiser is likely to achieve its target. This application by Reebok Company implies that images play a great role in advertisement List of References Barthes, 2003, Mythologies, John Wiley and Sons, London. Chandler, R Daniel, F 2004, Semiotics: the basics, Routledge, New York. Chiazzari, A Suzy, D 1998, The complete book of color, Barnes and Noble Books, New York. Lewis, J 2007, Typography: design and practice, Jeremy Mills Publishing, Huddersfield. Sau ssure, F 2011, Course in general linguistics, Columbia University Press, New York. Talbot, M 1998, Multiple voices in magazines, in Language and gender: an introduction, Polity Press, London. Taltson, A 1996, Mediations: text and discourses in media studies, Arnold, New York. White, R 2000, Advertising, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

TV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

TV - Essay Example Notably, Simba goes to exile as Scar succeeds the king. Nevertheless, after maturing, the young lion returns to the Pride Lands to challenge his evil uncle to end his rule (Allers Film). The Lion King has received a lot of praise subject to its plot, music, and animation. Indeed, the Lion King is a captivating and entertaining animated film. The Disney film shows how the young lion suffered under the jealous and evil Scar who killed his brother, Mufasa to inherit to take over power in Pride Lands (Allers Film). The film shows Scar as a devil with dark brown-red fur and green eyes. His cunning and charismatic enabled him to gain immense support from his enemies to conquer the young lion. However, despite Scar’s craving for power, the film depicts Scar as a coward and Simba as a brave person (Allers Film). Indeed, the film presents Simba as a young lion hero seeking to find his identity in nature and follow his father’s

Monday, February 3, 2020

The analysis of art in history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The analysis of art in history - Essay Example The phenomenon is pretty well universal on pots: black frequently appears at the points where a need for strengthening on an analogous metal vessel might be expected. Although the practice of using black and red in what critics might describe as structural contexts was carried over into red-lines, it did not survive long there. It occurs on some of the earliest pottery, but its use on vessels made in this technique tends to be confined to lettering and subsidiary features such as streaks of blood, urine, black eyes, or cocks' combs. We might suppose that these were added in copper to silver vessels decorated in 'gold-figure'. The use of copper on vessels which had a substantial bronze component would not have affected their value, whereas its use on vessels made of precious metal had to be restrained (as it was, judging by their ceramic counterparts); for to over-use it would have been tantamount to advertising the fact that their value was not equal to their weight; the ancients (Pa pathanasopoulos 54). Another object selected for analysis is Three Mycenaean Terracotta One-Handled Cups. These cups dated back a. 1400-1300 BC. They belong to Mycenaean culture and represents a traditional type of pottery used by the civilization. The interrelationships of form and color in pottery had a long tradition behind them. They were, however, part of a continuum which can be observed over centuries, and certainly beyond the Roman period. The 'essential unity' of the most common kind of fine pottery, the tableware that is 'generally red in color and with a fine clay coating known variously as a glaze. In reality, while technical details of the potter's craft may well have passed from one centre to another, the vessels that were made will usually have evoked the plate made locally for rich households or sanctuaries. Gold- and silversmiths' designs, moulds, and plaster casts probably played a major role. The use of red on pots was probably but a gesture in the direction of gold, for the vessels i n question would never have appeared side-by-side in a context where close comparisons could be made. In the case of Mycenaean pottery, fine red tableware will probably have been made for people who had only heard about gold vessels, or who only saw them from a distance at festivals (Mycenaean 20-21). In contrast to the Cycladic Terracotta, red colors reveal in the cups. The characteristic forms of pottery after Alexander's conquests were rather different from those that had existed before. The mould-made, handle-less bowls decorated in relief that became the norm, doubtless reflected Near Eastern dining practices. The characteristic color of local mould-made pottery continued to be black: one category of bowls 'are covered with the black glaze familiar from Attic pottery of earlier periods (Mycenaean 21). The main difference is unique ornament and geometric figures in pottery: there are geometric ornaments on the jug. The cups are ornamented with geometric ornaments and circles. These ornaments represent unique cultural meaning of each civilization and their perception of the world around them. The pottery did not play a sacred role but is found in boreal places. Both examples allow to say that economic aspect

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Exercise Isometric Vs Isotonic Physical Education Essay

Exercise Isometric Vs Isotonic Physical Education Essay Motility is one of the most important and characteristic things that can be seen in the members of animal kingdom because they have to move their body just for their daily activities such as locomotion. That is why a skeletal system (including bones and cartilage) has been developed in advanced animals. Likewise the muscles that are connected to the skeletal system play an important role in movements of their limbs and trunk resulting moving. Furthermore, though the simple unicellular beings have simple activities, advanced multicellular animals have complicated activities such as eye movements, hearing, ingestion of meals, body balance etc. The contraction and relaxation of muscles are important processes in not only body movements but also these activities mentioned above. Skeletal muscles get mainly involved in contraction and relaxation during exercises because a large amount of energy is needed for the both processes. Not only skeletal muscles, but also Cardiac muscles and Smooth muscles are involved. There are a few types of muscle contraction. Among them, isotonic and isometric muscle contractions are very important. Therefore, how muscles get contracted, what are the differences in isotonic and isometric contraction, what are the physiological changes during exercise etc. are discussed in this thesis. 2.0 Muscles and their molecular structure Most cells possess cytoskeletal elements that are capable of lengthening or shortening and therefore the cell has an ability to change its shape. This capacity is important in a variety of cellular functions such as locomotion, phagocytosis, mitosis and extension of processes. Proteins referred to as molecular motors can change the length of a cell much more rapidly by using energy from the hydrolysis of adenosine 5à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²-triphosphate (ATP). These ATP-dependent systems are based on the interaction of actin and myosin. In muscle cells, the filaments of actin and myosin and their associated proteins are so abundant that they almost fill the interior of the cell forming the bulk of the muscle. In addition to that, there are Troponin and Tropomyosin filaments as well. Three types of Troponin can be seen. They are Troponin C, I, and T. They line predominantly in one direction, so that interactions at the molecular level are translated into linear contraction of the whole cell. The ability of these specialized cells to change shape has become their most important property. Assemblies of contractile muscle cells, forming the muscles, are machines for converting chemical energy into mechanical work. The forces generated during the contraction and relaxation of muscle are used to move limbs, inflate the lungs, pump blood, close and open tubes, etc. Mainly there are three types of muscles, skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle forms the bulk of the muscular tissue of the body and consists of parallel bundles of long, multinucleate fibers. This type of muscle is capable of powerful contractions because of the regular organization of its contractile proteins. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart and in the walls of large veins where they enter the heart consisting of a branched network of individual cells that are linked electrically and mechanically to function as a unit. Smooth muscle is found in all systems of the body, in the walls of the viscera, including most of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, urinary and reproductive tracts, in the tunica media of blood vessels etc. In the longitudinal microscopic section of a typical muscle cell, it appears as ribbons and is interrupted at regular intervals by thin transverse lines known as the Z-lines that divide the myofibril into a linear series of repeating contractile units. Those are called sarcomeres. At higher power, sarcomeres are seen to consist of two types of filament, thick Myosin and thin Actin. The arrangement of thick and thin filaments forms a partially overlapping structure within the sarcomere. The thick filaments, together with lengths of thin filaments that overlap and interdigitate with the thick filaments at either end is known as the A-band. The central, paler region of the A-band is not penetrated by the Actin filaments and this region is called the H-band. At the center of H-bands, the Myosin filaments are linked together transversely by M-line. The adjacent portion of two neighboring sarcomeres in which the thin filaments are not overlapped by thick filaments is the I-line. The Actin filaments of adjacent sarcomeres are anchored in the Z-disc, which divides the I-band in to two parts. Where to Find Muscle Contraction Animation for Kids1. 3.0 Molecular basis of muscle contraction During a muscle fiber gets contracted, the actual length of the muscle fiber is constant. What happens on contraction is to increase the overlap within the muscle cell. When the action potential comes into the Transverse system (T-tubules system), it spreads over the membrane of the T-tubules system. As a result of that, the membrane of the T-tubules system gets depolarized. Then, Dihydro Pyridine Receptors (DHPR) / voltage gated Ca+2 channels on the membrane of T-tubules system are activated. As a result of that, intra cellular Ca+2 concentration is increased significantly because of the influx of Ca+2 from extra cellular fluid. This Ca+2 influx triggers the activation of Ryanodine Receptor (RyR) on the membrane of sarcoplasmic reticulum. So that, the release of Ca+2 from sarcoplasmic reticulum to the cytoplasm through the DHPR is occurred. Later influx of Ca+2 is known as Calcium induced Calcium release 2. That is how the T-tubules carry the action potential in side of the cell. As a result of the process that mentioned above, the amount of free Ca+2 in the cytoplasm of the muscle cell is increased and these free Ca+2 ions bind with the Troponin-C. After that, the interaction between Troponin-I and Actin becomes weak and then the Tropomyosin can rotate laterally 2. When the Tropomyosin rotates, Myosin binding site of Actin is exposed. Then, the Myosin head binds with the myosin binding site of the Actin forming the cross-bridges. In the meantime, the ADP molecule tightly bound to the Myosin head is released. As a result of that, conformational changes in the Myosin head can be occurred. That means the Myosin head bends at its neck resulting the length between two Z-lines reduces gradually (Power Stroke). This is the contraction of muscle. The Ganong says that each power stroke shortens the sarcomere about 10nm 2. Then, an ATP molecule quickly binds with the site of the Myosin head where the previous ADP molecule has bound. As a result of the binding of an ATP, the detachment of the Myosin head from the Myosin binding site of the Actin can be occurred. Then the ATP molecule bound to the Myosin head gets hydrolyzed producing an ADP molecule on the head. This hydrolyzing of ATP causes for the Myosin head to come its previous position. This contraction can be occurred as cycles. The Ganong says that each Myosin head cycles about 5 times per second during rapid contraction 2. During the relaxation of muscles, the membrane of the T-tubules system gets re-polarized. Therefore the concentration of free Ca+2 in the cytoplasm is reduced because Ca+2 enter in to the sarcoplasmic reticulum through the Sarcoplasmic-Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca+2 ATPase pumps (SERCA). These SERCA uses ATP as a source of energy to pump Ca+2 into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Therefore the amount of Ca+2 bound to the Troponin-C is also reduced. Then the interaction between the Myosin and Actin is ceased. As a result of that, the muscle gets relaxed 2. Sliding filaments 3. 4.0 Exercise Exercise is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy usage 4. On the other hand, Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body. Exercise is used to improve health, maintain fitness and is important as a means of physical rehabilitation 5. When some person is doing an exercise, his or her body can be exposed to one of the highest level of extreme stresses. For example, a person who is suffering from high fever approaching the level of lethality, the metabolism of his body increases to approximately 100% above normal; by comparison, the metabolism of the body increases to 2000% above normal during an exercise such as marathon race. Although the bodily movements are known as exercise, these exercises can be classified into several groups. Among them isotonic exercise and isometric exercise are important. In addition to that, isokinetic exercises can also be considered. 5.0 Types of exercise There are lots of types of exercise. But among them, isometric, isotonic and isokinetic exercises are important 5. Range of motion exercise The putting of a joint through its full range of normal movements, either actively or passively. Aerobic exercise That designed to increase oxygen consumption and improve functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Endurance exercise One that involves the use of several large groups of muscles and is thus dependent on the delivery of oxygen to the muscles by the cardiovascular system. Isokinetic exercise Dynamic muscle activity performed at a constant angular velocity; torque and tension remain constant while muscles shorten or lengthen. Isometric exercise Active exercise performed against stable resistance, without change in the length of the muscle. Isotonic exercise Active exercise without appreciable change in the force of muscular contraction, with shortening of the muscle. Kegel exercises Exercises performed to strengthen the pubococcygeal muscle. Active exercise Motion imparted to a part by voluntary contraction and relaxation of its controlling muscles. Passive exercise Motion imparted to a part by another person or outside force, or produced by voluntary effort of another segment of the patients own body. Resistanceor Resistive exercise that performed by the patient against resistance, as from a weight 5.1 Isometric exercise Exercise performed by the effort against a resistance that encourages and tones the muscle without changing the length of the muscle fibers 6. Therefore, muscle gets contracted without appreciable shortening or change in distance between the origin and insertion of the muscle while the resistance applied to the contraction increases muscle tension without producing movement of the joint. This occurs when carrying an object in front of you when the weight of the object is pulling your arms down but your muscles are contracting to hold the object at the same level. Another example is when you grip something such as a pen or a needle. During this period, there is no movement in the joints of the hand, but the muscles of the hand are contracting to provide a force sufficient enough to keep a steady hold on the pen or needle. In addition to that, the amount of the force of a muscle is able to produce during an isometric contraction depends on the length of the muscle at the point of contraction. Each muscle has an optimum length at which the maximum isometric force can be produced. A series of isometric contractions performed at varying muscle lengths (from -40% (slack) to +40% (stretched). The maximum force is produced at optimum length (Lo). Note that, when the muscle is stretched, the baseline of the force recorded is raised due to passive tension (PT) in the muscle and contributes more to overall force than the active tension (AT) 7. Isometric muscle contraction is a great form of exercise for people who are suffering from Arthritis, people who are recovering from a joint injury or an injury to cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Because isometric exercises prevent the joint movements, it is no problem even though the movements are limited at the joints of an individual. Isometrics exercise improves overall muscular strength and can also stimulate muscular growth. Over time, individuals can actually get stronger when practicing isometric exercises 10, 11. 5.2 Isotonic exercise Isotonic muscular contraction is used to strengthen muscles and improve joint mobility in exercises. That means isotonic contractions are those which cause the muscle to change its length when the muscle contracts and causes for the movements of a part of the body. There are two types of isotonic contraction, concentric and eccentric contraction. 5.2.1 Concentric contraction During concentric exercises, it will cause for the muscles to shorten when the muscles contract. On the other hand, an exercise that causes for a muscle to get decreased its length is known as a concentric exercise. This type of isotonic contraction is the most common type of muscle contraction that can be occurred in daily and sporting activities. Ex: bending the forearm at the elbow joint from straight to fully flexed The forearm can be flexed, when the Biceps Brachi muscle contracts. That means the length of the Biceps Brachi muscle is reduced during the contraction 8. In concentric contractions, the force generated by the muscle is always less than the muscles maximum (Po). When the load that the muscle is required to lift something decreases, contraction velocity increases. This occurs until the muscle finally reaches its maximum contraction velocity, Vmax. By performing a series of constant velocity shortening contractions, a  force-velocity relationship can be determined 7. 5.2.2 Eccentric contraction The opposite of the concentric contraction is Eccentric contraction 8. That means this type of contraction can be occurred when the muscle elongates during a contraction 9. This type is less common but usually involves in the control or deceleration of a movement of a limb, being initiated by the concentric contraction. Ex: kicking something The Quadriceps muscle contracts concentrically to straighten the leg at the knee joint while the Hamstrings contract eccentrically to slowdown the motion of the leg and this type of contraction puts a lot of strain through the muscle and is commonly involved in muscle injuries 8. However it is difficult to compare that the isometric exercises are important than the isotonic exercises or opposite because both types have its own specific purposes. For example, when someone is doing an isometric exercise, it is only strengthening the muscle in the position that the muscle is being held. That is why this type of exercises are more beneficial for the athletes such as a gymnasts who have to support their bodyweight in difficult positions or hold them self in one position for a long time. But when the isotonic exercises such as weightlifting are considered, it is going to strengthen the muscles through a range of motion. However both types of isometric and isotonic exercises can increase the amount of force generated during muscle contraction 14, 15, 16. 5.3 Isokinetic exercise Isokinetic contractions are similar to isotonic contractions. But they differ from isotonic contractions due to movements of a constant speed. Isokinetic Dynamo-meter is used to get the measurements of this type of exercise. Examples for this type of exercise are rare although the best example is breast stork in swimming because a resistance to the movement of adduction is provided constantly by the water 8. 6.0 Muscular changes in exercises Hypertrophy of skeletal muscles can be occurred after each training session due to acute increased in muscle protein synthesis when there is a good supplement of nutrition 12, 13. 7.0 Cardiovascular changes in exercise The cardiovascular system helps transport materials all over the body assists with thermoregulation. Regular exercise makes the cardiovascular system more efficient at pumping blood and delivering oxygen and nutrition to the exercise muscles 17, 18, 19, 21. Releases of adrenaline and lactic acid into the blood during an exercise result in an increase of the heart rate (HR). Some of the different components of the cardiovascular system, such as stroke volume (SV), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and mean arterial pressure and cardiac output (CO) can be increased by exercises. A considerable percentage of the CO goes to the exercising muscles. While the muscles particularly skeletal muscles get received approximately 20% of the total blood flow at rest, the visceral organs such as spleen, liver and intestine receive a large amount of blood. But during exercise, the blood flow to muscles increases to 80-85%. Two major adjustments on the blood flow can be occurred during exercise to get the metabolic demands of skeletal muscles fulfilled. Increasing the cardiac output from the heart. Returning the blood flow from inactive organs and tissues such as spleen to the active muscles. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems regulate the activities of the heart. Acetylcholine (Ach), a neurotransmitter released by the parasympathetic nerve endings, can decrease the activities of Sino-Atrial (SA) node and Atrio-Ventricular (AV) node resulting decreased in HR while the Norepinephrine released by the sympathetic nerve endings causes for the increase in HR and the force of contraction of the heart. Although the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous stimulations are in balance at rest, during exercises, the parasympathetic stimulation decreases while the sympathetic stimulation increases. Especially several factors such as baroreceptors, chemoreceptors and temperature receptors directly contribute to adjust the function of the heart. CO is controlled by the EDV (known as preload), average aortic BP (afterload), and the strength of ventricular contraction. During exercises, the EDV is increased because of the increase in venous return, the afterload is reduced and the strength of ventricular contraction is increased due to increase the EDV according to the Frank-Starlings law resulting increased the CO. Constriction of veins that drain skeletal muscles can be occurred as a response to the stimulation of sympathetic nervous system during an exercise. During exercise, the respiratory pump and the muscle pump help to increase venous return resulting increased the blood flow to the heart. Blood flow during exercise is regulated by changing BP and altering the peripheral resistance of the vessels. During exercise, BP increases so that blood flow through the body increases. Blood flow is also increased during exercise by decreasing the resistance of the vessels in the systemic circulation of active skeletal muscle. Resistance is determined by the following formula 20. Resistance = (length of tube X viscosity of blood)/radius Changing the radius of the vessels has the most considerable effect on blood flow. Doubling the radius of a blood vessel decreases resistance by a factor of 16. Cardiovascular changes during isometric exercise differ from the changes during isotonic exercise because isometric exercise causes to compress the blood vessels in the contracting muscles. It leads to reduce the blood flow in contracting muscle. So that, the total peripheral resistance will increase instead of the total peripheral resistance that normally falls during isotonic exercise, particularly if several large groups of muscles are involved in the exercise. The sympathetic system is activated with exercise and thus leads to an increase in BP, HR and cardiac output. The increase in HR and cardiac output is less due to the total peripheral resistance does not decrease. An increase in the diastolic, systolic and mean arterial pressure is more when compared with those seen with isotonic exercises. Because BP is a major determinant of afterload, the left ventricular wall stress, and thus the cardiac workload, is significantly higher during static exercise compared with the cardiac workload achieved during dynamic exercise. The musculature of the heart will become certain morphologic changes in response to chronic exercise. Such a heart which has been morphologically changed is commonly referred to as an athletic heart. Athletic heart syndrome is characterized by hypertrophy of the myocardium. Although the hypertrophy in athletes heart is morphologically similar to that seen in patients with hypertension, several important differences exist. In contrast to the hypertension-induced hypertrophy, the hypertrophy in the athletic heart is noted in absence of any diastolic dysfunction, with a normal isovolumetric relaxation time, with no decrease in the peak rate of left ventricular filling, and with no decrease in the peak rate of left ventricular cavity enlargement and wall thinning. Because the wall stress in the athletes heart is normal, sometimes the hypertrophy seems to be disproportionate to the level of resting BP. 8.0 Respiratory changes during exercise The purpose of respiration is to provide O2 to the tissues and to remove Carbon Dioxide from the tissues 17, 18, 19. To accomplish this, four major events must be regulated, as follows: Pulmonary ventilation Diffusion of O2 and CO2 between the alveoli and the blood Transport of O2 and CO2 in the blood and body fluids and to and from the cells Regulation of ventilation and other aspects of respiration Although the human body is designed to maintain homeostasis, exercise causes these factors mentioned above to change. The formation of CO2, consumption of O2 and the total alveolar ventilation is increased by approximately 20-fold when someone initiates to do an exercise from the state of rest to the maximal intensity of the exercise. The pulmonary ventilation is 100-110 L/min at maximal exercise while there is a linear relationship between ventilation and oxygen consumption. Anyway, the maximal breathing capacity of a person is about 150-170 L/min. That means, during maximal exercise, the maximal breathing capacity is approximately 50% greater than the actual pulmonary ventilation. It has been found that the maximum rate of oxygen consumption (VO2max) under the maximal aerobic metabolism is found to increase only 10% due to the effect of training. However, the VO2max of a person who runs in a marathon is about 45% greater than the VO2 of an untrained person. The reasons for this are somewhat genetically determined (larger chest size in relation to body size, stronger respiratory muscles) and due to long-term training as well. The Oxygen diffusion capacity is known as the measurement of the rate of the O2 diffusion from the alveoli into the blood stream through the walls of capillaries and alveoli. The diffusing capacity of Oxygen is increased because of the exercise and all most all the pulmonary capillaries are perfused at their maximal level due to increase the blood flow through the lungs. Therefore, a considerable surface area is provided for the gases to be exchanged by diffusion. So, it has been found that the trained-athletes have a higher diffusing capacity. As a result of the active exercises, partial pressure of Oxygen in arterial blood is decreased while that of Carbon Dioxide in the venous blood is increased more than the normal level. Though the both of these are changed, it is not a case because both of these values remain close to the normal values. Stimulatory impulses from the higher centers of the brain, the impulses from the joint and muscle via proprioceptive stimulatory reflexes cause for the neurological stimulations of the respiratory and vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata which provides almost all the real increase in pulmonary ventilation to keep the blood respiratory gases almost normal. If nervous signals are too strong or weak, chemical factors such as neurotransmitters bring about the final adjustment in respiration that is required to maintain homeostasis during exercises 17, 18, 19. 9.0 Immunological changes in exercise Although the positive and negative effects can be seen on the immune system with exercises, regular moderate exercise seems to reduce the incidence of infection, while prolonged intense exercise causes a temporary suppression of many parameters of immune function, depending on the intensity and duration of exercise. The mobilization and activation of white blood cells, the release of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, the tissue damage and cell infiltration, the production of free radicals, the activation of the complement and the coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways can be seen during physical activities just like an inflammation. The variety of the previous changes depends on the type of exercise intensity and the duration. Both acute and chronic effects of exercise on the immune system, yet there are still very few studies that have been able to show a direct link between exercise-induced immune depression and increased incidence of confirmed illness in athletes. Strenious and/or prolonged physical activity leads to muscle and other tissue damage and, thereby, induce an inflammatory response characterized by secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and other cellular or hormonal mediators of inflammation. On the other hand, physical activity also induces counter-regulation of inflammation through secretion of immunosuppressant mediators, such as cortisol and anti-inflammatory cytokines 22.